Friday, January 2, 2009


The day after Christmas, early in the morning (5:20 AM to be exact) we left Texas for a 16 hour drive to Maricopa, AZ to see Meagan, Pat, Anthony, and Adrian. It was quite a long day. Poor Jayson ended up driving the whole time, because of the weather. Across the plains of Texas it was very windy - our Suburban was blown around a bit - and then when we got to New Mexico, it snowed all the way until we hit Tuscon, AZ. But it was worth the drive. We had so much fun. The next several postings are from our trip.

You can't tell from these pictures, but it's snowing. It snowed from the Texas/New Mexico border to almost Tuscon, AZ. That was something that we didn't expect.

Denali was very happy to see Nathaniel again.

Adrian Mark Lopez

Anthony Nemecio Lopez

Nathaniel watching National Geographic videos with Anthony and Adrian.

Poor Bradley - he spent two out of our three day trip in bed sick.

1 comment:

LBBlum said...

Thanks for the flatteries at my sister in law's (amanda's) site. I see you are a mom of boys too!

I always feel a connection to mom of boys.. you know..
you know what it takes and what you let slide raising boys.

Nice to meet you!